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Monday, January 5, 2015

What to do with your unused fireplace!

Create a new look for you unused fireplace!!!

This is what I did for mine! I am a painter, so a little more went into it. But I can give a few pointers to help you duplicate it!! I did black lines since that was the same as my fireplace. try to use the same colors as yours!

This is just some pointers for the bricks!!! Obviously painting a fire is a bit more :) But maybe you can just try and duplicate my colors for that.

First off on the board you need to start with drawing a box like so. This is your guidelines for bricks.

Next you add in the lines for the actual bricks, Us the actaul bricks lines for starting points for your lines. I started from the left to top.

And then the middle and next the right.

Lastly you do the bottom.

Next add in color of your bricks. you might have to go over the lines with black or whichever color you chose.

Then next after you've given your bricks color ad in the dimension of your actual bricks.
Like so.

Once youve finished those you have an "empty" fireplace instead of a board.If your not up for painting fire you could always paint some logs of wood or just a pile of hot ashes! For my ashes i splotched black and gray and then on top bright red. Good luck!


  1. Hi! This is such a cool and neat idea. I wish my grandparents had done this with their old fireplace. I will definitely tell this idea to my fiance if he isn't using his fireplace anymore. Now all you need is a cd of fire cracking noise to add to the affect.

    Carry Scanlon @ Chim Chimney

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I have gotten many compliments over the year and it still looks great :) it's a great conversation piece.
